Finding the Leader Within: How a Mastermind Coach Can Help

Mastermind coach, mastermind coaching, What is mastermind coaching

Have you ever worked in a business setting where the company keeps music playing in the background? Perhaps you’ve turned the radio on at home while you’re completing tasks around the house, and suddenly you experience what I like to call the “audio angries”—that moment when you become consciously aware that whatever is playing in the background is annoying you subconsciously. Perhaps a song by an artist whose voice you cannot stand comes on. Maybe the station suddenly plays a loud song when you need calming tunes. Whatever the reason, you suddenly realize your body is reacting to the music you thought you weren’t paying much attention to—you may find that the muscles in your neck and shoulders have gone tense or realize you are clenching your jaw.

It’s a fascinating reaction, really, because your body is responding to what your mind is processing subconsciously. And this same process can happen when we find ourselves listening to the wrong internal voice that lives inside our head.

While having a negative voice is a normal part of the human experience, allowing that voice to stay in control of our lives is not. But many times, we don’t even realize we’ve given control over the saboteur's voice, allowing it to become the filter through which we assess important decisions in our personal and professional lives. Much like the background music, we suddenly become conscious of the negative effects of living a life controlled by the saboteur's voice without realizing the saboteur is to blame.

To keep our saboteur in check, we need an ally—namely, a mastermind business coach who can teach us to tune in to our sage inner voice that keeps everything in balance. But putting our sage voice in the driver’s seat of life can be easier said than done…especially if the saboteur has had control for a while. And this is where mastermind coaching can help.

You may be thinking…

What is mastermind coaching?

If that’s the case then we’re glad you asked. Let’s dive a little deeper into the topic.

What is mastermind coaching?

Mastermind coaching is not a one-on-one coaching experience. Rather, your mastermind coach will help you find a mastermind group. This group of professional peers is structured so that all participants can give and receive advice, and support, and speak the truth in a safe space. There’s more than a little synergistic magic that happens in these groups, and they can be particularly helpful when you’re learning to use your sage voice.

Much like working out and strengthening a muscle, learning to use your sage voice takes practice, commitment, and sound strategy. The saboteur's voice trains you to respond to life’s challenges with fear, worry, and anxiety. But if you can learn to give control over your sage voice, you will tackle challenges with curiosity, confidence, and focus.

And that is where a mastermind coach and group will help. Together, you’ll work to change the radio station in your head—away from the saboteur and toward the sage. Mastermind coaching helps you put the control switch solidly in your hands, exactly where it belongs. Group members will serve as your guide as you work to find your inner leader and put your sage voice in control of your life.

So, what is mastermind coaching? It just might be the ace up your sleeve that allows you to receive the customized support you need from peers and your respect that allows you to take your business to the next level.

Controlling which inner voice you listen to is as much a part of your wellness as your physical fitness and, like working out, getting the results you desire takes time and commitment. But you aren’t in this alone, and together with a good mastermind coach and group, you will work to make the voice of the sage your automatic response when challenges inevitably arise. So, join a mastermind group and let your peers rally around you as you champion your own growth.


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