5 Approaches to Overwhelm When Landing Clients and Closing Deals


It’s such a small word that’s used to describe some pretty significant and uncomfortable feelings.

As realtors, we can feel overwhelmed for a variety of reasons. We overcommit. We take on new roles and/or responsibilities within the agency. We succumb to pressure. We set unrealistic standards for ourselves.

And as our calendar fills and the number of plates we’re forced to keep spinning increases, that uncomfortable feeling of dread…of losing control and not being able to keep up…sets in and we find ourselves unsure how to regain a sense of balance. We often don’t expect this, business is going good - why am I struggling?!

And this is when hiring a real estate coach can alleviate anxiety and kick that feeling of being overwhelmed to the curb.

Techniques your coach might use to curb overwhelm

Acknowledging what you’re feeling, denying reality, and avoiding your feelings will only make things worse. Acknowledge the discomfort you’re feeling and welcome it as an SOS from your subconscious that things need to change. Here are the techniques your coach might use:

  1. Meditating (no, really!) – I’m not asking you to don a white robe and chant “Ommmm”…but research shows that meditation can have a profound effect on stress in as little as 10 minutes. If you’ve never meditated before, try sitting still in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth for 5 minutes. 

  2. Streamlining your to-do list – Don’t let your list of tasks overwhelm you. Write down everything you want to complete in a day, then prioritize tasks with the “must happen” items at the top and the “it would be nice to knock these out” items following. 

  3. Delegating what you can – If you don’t have to be the one who accomplishes a task, consider delegating it to someone else. Keep in mind that this may be easier said than done, especially if you struggle with letting go of control.

  4. Learning to say no – This one can be hard but learning to say no keeps your plate from overfilling and might be the single best skill in your real estate arsenal to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

I expect you’re now convinced a coach could help you! But is there a real estate coach near you? “Can I even afford a coach’s services?” my prospects have asked!

I’ll answer these questions to arm you with more than the tips above, so that next time you feel overwhelmed at work (or anywhere, for that matter!) you have someone to call on:

What is a real estate coach?

This week, a new contact said to me:

“Coach Bugbee, I’m a business owner so of course I’m familiar with the idea of a business coach and a life coach. But what is a real estate coach? Do I hire them when I want to sell my home?”

I loved this question! The answer is a real estate coach is a specialized coach with knowledge and expertise specifically to help realtors with grow their business, whether they work independently or as part of an agency.

How do I find a real estate coach near me?

If you’re thinking, “this is all well and good for big city agents. But I’m trying to start my real estate career in a one-light town. What are the chances I’ll find a real estate coach near me?”

One of the many benefits of living in the age of the world wide web is the fact that an incredible, experienced real estate coach is just a click away.

Whether you work with your coach in person on through virtual meetings, you’ll gain valuable insight into the strengths and growth opportunities for your business. And you’ll learn valuable techniques to use the next time you feel overwhelmed when landing a client, or closing a sale, including:

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, listen to what your body is telling you. And if you decide you need an outside perspective to help you pinpoint habits or practices that are at the root of your discomfort, I hope you’ll reach out to me. Together, we can identify your triggers and build healthy strategies to help you stay in control.

Not quite convinced? Read more from me here, to help you get referrals, while you decide!


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