Client acquisition: The golden grail of real estate success

Real estate success depends on the constant acquisition and retention of clients. The pursuit of that elusive next client, coupled with the pressures of maintaining a steady stream of relationships, creates an atmosphere of anxiety for many Realtors and business owners. 

In the midst of this common struggle, the role of effective coaching becomes paramount. Let’s delve into the world of real estate coaching, and explore how it empowers individuals to transform apprehension into proactive strategies and tangible results.

If you spend every waking hour worrying about where your next client is coming from - this one's for you!

I talk to Realtors and other business owners every day, and if there's one problem that unites them all, it's finding and keeping clients.

Whether you’re looking for that breakthrough first client, struggling to maintain a consistent flow of new clients or failing to hang on to the ones you have, you're in good company!

Client acquisition is what I see business owners like you worrying about the most.

But since when has worrying ever solved anything? I'm not saying you shouldn't worry, but the quicker you turn that anxiousness into action, the better.

In my group mastermind calls, I often ask the question: 

When you're worrying about the market, what do you do? 

Do you: 





As their coach, I usually know how each person in my coaching group will answer. I know them inside out!

One in particular, who won't mind me saying, is someone who freezes. Any bad news, and they hide. Crawling-under-the-bed type of hiding.

It all stems from fear!

  • Fear of not having the correct answers.

  • Fear of making the wrong decisions

And the fear of making a business-crippling mistake. It’s understandable - especially if you don't have the tools to make confident decisions.

We're working on this, and with practical advice and steps, we're learning to come out from under the bed - even if it is just one limb at a time. Progress is progress!

Others are fighters who'll always come out swinging. Which I'm all for. However, that fight has to come with a plan. It does nobody any good to start running down the street, arms flailing with no aim!

Taking the time to breathe, seek guidance, and create a positive strategy, will always serve you better than blind panicked aggression. Ask any boxer, they’ll agree!

That said, it's vital to do something. So, during times of anxiety and stress, as a group, we talk more often - using our group calls to assure each other we're not alone. We share ideas and explore ways to shift our focus to action.

For example, we discuss how we can:

1. Follow up with ex-clients.

"How's the house? Want to do any upgrades this summer - I've got contractor referrals for you." 

2. Call our sphere of influence.

"Do you know anyone interested in investing? I have a few Condos coming up for sale that would be a good fit for an investor."

3. Get out and volunteer - meet people. 

People always asking what do you do? Get out in the community. Include your kids if you have any - include their friends - their friends have parents! 

All these new contacts are potential clients or someone who will refer you.

4. Do extra open houses. 

People are going to them again, it’s true! We all crave human connection.

5. Have a client party - with themes like an ice cream social

Why? Because everyone loves ice cream, and it includes people who do not drink alcohol.

6. Record videos with local business owners - support and shout out what they do.

Now, these actions may only sometimes equate to long-term strategies and processes that'll automate your client getting.

But the key here is, doing something that moves the needle towards the goal of more consistent clients. And if you were consistent with these approaches, they would significantly contribute towards achieving that goal.

Sitting at your desk with your head in your hands, shouting at the kids for having the TV on too loud, isn't going to change anything. It might eventually make the house quieter, but it won't improve your business.

The only way to do that is by getting up, out, and taking action, just like the superheroes I coach in my Broker Brilliance group!

To get help moving your needle towards consistent client closing, get in touch with me.


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